“We eat our own cooking”
You are our partner. Our funds are invested together simultaneously through a “master” account. When I invest for YOU, I invest for ME.
Our compensation grows with your account
The greatest incentive we have is to perform. The larger your account becomes, the greater our compensation.
Timing is always paramount
We manage every position on a continuous basis using very strict disciplines to protect principal and profits.
Using a password protected log-in, you can see your account LIVE at any time.
Individualized reporting
Your assets are kept individually segregated after your investments are made as part of a group. No co-mingling of assets, no messy tax complications.
No lock-up period
You are not required to keep your money at Udine Wealth Management for any pre-ordained period of time. We must perform every day.
The difference at udine wealth management is we treat you exactly as we would like to be treated while offering you over three decades of investment experience & excellence.